Real Estate Investing 101

Understanding cap rates

When determining whether or not a property is worth purchasing, one of the traditional reference points is the cap rate. For real estate, a cap rate is the ratio between the yearly net operating income of a building to the cost of that building. The higher that number is, the better the deal. When determining your net operating income, you'll need to tally all the income from rents and other sources over...

How to pay for your real estate investments?

So you're on board with the idea that investing in real estate is profitable and think you have the right personality to be an investor? Great! Now comes the hard part: Paying for it. This is THE issue that makes or breaks your ability to be an investor. There are opportunities around every corner, but if you don't have access to money, your investing days are over before they begin. Unless you are going...

Who should invest in real estate?

The grass is always greener, right? When you hear so many stories about people making a killing on real estate, it can be hard not to feel a little envious.  There is no doubt that real estate can be very profitable,  just don't fool yourself into to thinking that it is easy money. It isn't.  When it comes to real estate investing, it takes a lot of work to be successful, and not everybody is cut out...

Why invest in real estate?

Real estate investing can be a lucrative and rewarding enterprise. It can also be a frustrating and profitless exercise. You could write a 1,000 instructional book on all the dos and don'ts of investing, but perhaps the first and most important question to as is simply "Why?" "Why should I invest in real estate and not put my money in savings or stocks?" The most important benefits of real estate...

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